Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dialog Screens or Windows Appear Off-Screen

Sometimes (mostly after resolution or display changes) dialog boxes or windows will appear off screen. The solution to this is relatively simple.

First hit Alt and the Space bar at the same time (Alt+Space).

Then hit the M key (M).

Then tap any of your directional keys a few times.

After this, move your mouse cursor to the center of your screen. Your missing window should follow it. If this does not work, continue using the directional keys to "blindly" move it back to visibility.

Good luck.

Removing K9 Web Protection

If you've found yourself on a machine running K9 Web Protection that no one has a password to, there is a way to remove it.

Create a text file and copy the below batch script into it.

Script to Copy/Paste Below:

@echo off

set keys=^
 "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Blue Coat Systems"^
 "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\k9filter.exe"^
 "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Blue Coat K9 Web Protection"^

REM remove registry keys
for %%G in (%keys%) do reg delete "%%~G" /f >nul

set folders=^
 "%programfiles%\Blue Coat K9 Web Protection"^
 "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Blue Coat K9 Web Protection"

REM remove folders
for %%G in (%folders%) do rd /s /q "%%~G"

set files=^

REM remove files
for %%G in (%files%) do del "%%~G"

exit /b

Make sure, after saving the text file, that you rename it so it has a ".cmd" extension.

Reboot and run Windows in Safe Mode.

Find your .cmd file, right-click it, and run it as an administrator. 

Upon .cmd completion, start RegEdit - Start/regedit.exe - and navigate to the below key:

Right-click the LEGACY_BCKD and select Permissions. Then click Advanced and select the Owner tab. Then select Adminsitrators from the owner list, check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects checkbox, and then click OK. Then, select Everyone and check the Allow checkbox for the Full Control permission. Click OK, right-click the key and finally chose Delete.
